The View from Taiwan Death toll now at 25, expected to rise as more missing are found. FocusTaiwan now saying it is petrochemical piping. Ben from Letters from Taiwan and I are jointly wondering how long before Chen Chu gets blamed by KMT. Politics has no bottom when it comes
Bloggers In Taiwan - Roundup of English Bloggers in Taiwan Know any blog(s) not linked below? Please let us know. To submit any blogs, please email us at taiwanbloggers(at) Also, we are only able to check the links randomly and periodically, so please do let us know
LIST OF TAIWAN BLOGS I'm the person behind ✪ Taiwan Explorer Blog, one of the most popular English language blogs about Taiwan. You can ...
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Bloggers In Taiwan 2012年10月21日 - Featured Blog - "This Is Not England, Welcome to Taiwan!" Taiwanease ... "Blogging Taiwanease: The Official Blog for"
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Taiwan Explorer 2014年8月11日 - A blog about travel and life in Taiwan, with additional focus on culture, society and food.
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